Security Solutions All-Hazards Management

All-Hazards-GraphicSystem interoperability is a challenge for every organization with a role in All-Hazards management, whether government or civilian. Successful All-Hazards management—no matter the scale or urgency—requires a clear understanding of the situation and clear coordination among the response team both before and after incident response is required. One of the biggest impediments to this success is a lack of interoperability between systems, which makes accurate, timely information sharing difficult.

Our All-Hazards Solutions

Security Solutions provides materiel and non-materiel solutions that support the challenges presented in achieving successful All-Hazards management across the entire incident spectrum; from Prevention to Recovery to include Lessons Learned.

This includes:

  • Enabling communications between legacy and modern systems
  • Integrating interoperability policy, standards, and acquisition challenges with emergency incident data exchanges
  • Enabling interoperability and resilience between government agencies responding to emergencies
  • Reducing the cost of achieving and sustaining interoperability between public safety agencies that have different systems
  • Improving ability to efficiently share information to other systems during unified responses that include multiple public safety disciplines and different echelons of leadership and management
  • Promoting standardization across different agencies without the need for a complete technology replacement
  • “Future Proofing” legacy and pending interoperability challenges to accommodate the migration of capability in the cloud